How To Get Started with Affiliate Marketing fast time 2020

 - Hey everyone, this dispenser from Buildapreneur and we're gonna talk about how to get started in affiliate marketing, okay. For those of you who don't know me, this is what I do all day, every day. I'm a full-time affiliate marketer.

 It's how I make my full-time income. I've been completely free from my job just making money with affiliate marketing for the last year now. I've been doing affiliate marketing for three or four years now. It's an awesome industry, but it can only work if you do it right, and guess what? 95% of affiliate marketers do not do it right. So please stay tuned and we will teach you to do it right.

All right, we're back, thanks for watching that intro. Two things before we get started. The first one is if you like what you're watching as you're watching, please give it a thumbs up. Please click subscribe. We pump out massive amounts of videos on affiliate marketing because I love affiliate marketing. So you'll get tons more. The second thing is there is gonna be a link down below to a free webinar which is where I teach, basically, I take you inside my affiliate marketing business and you can see how I am able to create my full-time income using affiliate marketing. I've also used a lot of these strategies thatI'm gonna show you to win some car contests whereI've won some cool free cars and things like that. So hey, who doesn't say no to a car. Anyway, let's talk about the affiliate market, let's talk about the big picture. I really want you to understand the big picture because this is why most affiliates fail, they don't understand the big picture, okay. We're just gonna go through it piece by piece by piece by piece. There are five or six pieces to a successful affiliate marketing campaign and once you set it up, it can run automation for years which is so cool. The first thing is a niche, okay. So any flea marketers, they say I'm gonna pick a product and then I'm just you know, my product applies to anybody like anybody can benefit my problem, so I'm gonna sell it to everybody. Like I don't care who buys it.

 I want the whole world tome my audience that's great, that's like a decent idea you know, that's obviously, we would all love the whole world to want our products and to buy our products, but it doesn't work, okay. When it comes to messaging, when it comes to like how you're presenting the product, you need to have a very specific niche. A group of people that are all very, very similar so that you can make your messaging work with them, right. I'm gonna sell people very differently. If someone's a big health fanatic and someone else is big, I'm freezing up here, someone else is like big make money online fanatic, those are two totally different passions, right? I'm gonna approach the health guide differently than I'm gonna approach make money online guy. So we need to choose a niche. The way I'd choose niches. There's basically three big niches of affiliate marketing, okay. There are health, wealth, and relationships. Health meaning you're helping people get healthy, wealth meaning you're helping people find ways for financial freedom and relationships, meaning you're helping people develop and build relationships. Between those, that's where pretty much all the money is in affiliate marketing. So what you're gonna do is you're gonna pick one of those, one of those passions, okay. Mine is wealth. I like teaching people how to attain financial freedom. A lot more people like the health thing you know, like, yoga, working out and things like that, obviously.

I don't. So you're gonna choose one of those three and then you're gonna choose a subnet. You're gonna niche down one more time, okay. So you can't just say I want anybody that wants to wealthy 'cause a lot of people wanna be wealthy and they're still very, very different, but you can sub-niche even deeper than that. A lot of people do really well teaching stay-at-home moms how to you know, obtain financial freedom by making money online. A lot of people focus on dads or on, I know a guy that focuses on teenagers or a guy that focuses on college students or you can focus based on like race or something like that. So some people will focus on a race that they connect with or religion you know. I've seen people do it with religion.

I see people do with all kinds of things, but you're gonna take your niche and then you're gonna sub-niche one more down, and this way you can really connect to these people that we're gonna start fight marketing to because they're all very very similar, okay. The next thing you need to do is you need to find affiliate offers and so funny how many people struggle with this step because it's really not hard to find affiliate offers, okay. We've got our niche, we've got a sub-niche. Now we need to go out, we need to see well what can benefit these people. Like what do I know about already? I'm assuming you chose a niche that you kind of knows a little bit about. What do I know can already benefit them and then you just go find the affiliate programs that you know, can benefit them, okay. And it's funny many people struggle with this. So look,

if I was looking let's say you know some product like oh I know there's a physical product that can benefit them. Maybe it's something on, it sells on Amazon like an exercise band ora book or something like that they could read they can help change their mindset. A lot of things like that, right. You go to and you're literally just gonna type in affiliate and look, become an affiliate right there. Pretty much every website that has an affiliate program has something like that. When people go to my website, kay, I sell courses on how to make money online. How to make money online via affiliate marketing. If you go to our website, I have a button you can click and it takes you to an affiliate. Most websites have this, okay. So you just need to start looking for products and then you need to go find their affiliate program. It's just really, really programs, it's really really easy to do. So the way you find like what programs are best. One, you're gonna look at the programs and companies that you already use. I'm assuming you kind are somewhat passionate about the niche you chose and you already know some companies that you use. You know, maybe you bought a course that helped you lose 50 pounds, or maybe you bought a course that helped you learn affiliate marketing or whatever it is. Stuff that you like, start by just promoting that stuff 'cause you can give really easy, down-to-earth testimonials, right? Like hey, I took this course and I made this much money or I took this course and lost this much weight. I took this course and I and my wife have a great relationship now or whatever it is, right. It's much much easier to sell once you've used it. The next thing you can do you can head over to Facebook, yay, it's my Facebook page and you can seriously type in, you can go to any group.

You can go find groups online where affiliate marketing is predominant, kay. Just type in affiliate marketing. These are all good groups, these are all groups as you can see that I'm part of the except for that one down there you join the groups and then you'll post a question. Hey, I chose this niche you to know, I chose dads that want to lose weight is the niche I chose and I'm looking for some really good affiliate programs. Does anybody know any you'll get you to know, if it's a good group which these are all good groups, you'll get dozens of comments, okay? You'll get people saying hey yeah, check out this one, this is the one I promote. I love this one it's really that easy. If you don't use Facebook, use Facebook. I promise as an affiliate marketer, you're gonna wanna learn Facebook. The connections you build the stuff you can learn from other people on Facebook are incredible. So get a Facebook account, but anyway, you're gonna hop into these groups and you're gonna go find products, okay. You're gonna go ask around and people are gonna tell you about all these products. You're gonna go and you're gonna find right at the bottom there where you can sign up to be an affiliate or sometimes you'll have to reach out and say hey, I'm getting started in affiliate marketing. I hear your product is amazing. I'm planning.

I'm promoting it this way, can I promote it and 90% of them will say yes. So a few that are kind of picky and they'll say no and that's fine, you can move on, it's not a big problem, but that's really all it takes, okay. You're gonna find a bunch of programs and then you're gonna go to the websites and you're gonna find where it says affiliates and for those that don't, you're gonna reach out to them via their contact form and say hey, I want to promote you, do you have any kind of affiliate program, most companies do. The next thing is you've got to figure out how you're gonna drive traffic, okay. You're gonna figure out traffic is like the people, right. The people that are actually gonna buy your affiliate offers, how are you gonna get them to see your affiliate offers. Is it gonna be Facebook? Are you gonna use Facebook pages and Facebook ads and Facebook groups and you're gonna get all these people to see your offers that way you're gonna use Instagram? Are you gonna use Google, you can use YouTube, Pinterest? There's just tons of different places that you can choose to drive traffic from. The only thing you want to be careful with is where is your traffic, right. Where are the people in your niche, okay. So pretty much everyone's on Facebook, but each niche is a little different, right. If your niche is like some kind of home decor, you're tryna like make your home more beautiful, things like that then Pinterest is an incredible place, right. If your niche is more like kind of these young people.

in their 20s or whatever, and it's a lot of the way you sell will be beautiful imagery then Instagram might be a great place. If your niche just is like older people, you'll find that a lot of older people are on Facebook now and so you're able to reach out on Facebook. Google is kind of a good option for everybody right, but anyway, you're gonna choose a few traffic sources, maybe even just one and try to focus on that and you're gonna say this is where I'm gonna find the people that I want to buy my offers, okay. This is where they hang out and this is where they go. Like this is where they go with problems. Like Google, do they Google things? Do YouTube things? And I'm going to go here and I'm gonna market and I'm gonna bring people to my offers from that place, okay. So for me, one of my biggest ones is YouTube. You're watching this video probably on YouTube and if you go to my youtube channel, you'll see I often link to affiliate offers in my youtube videos. That's one of the big ways that I drive traffic to my affiliate offers, okay. That I get people to click and see my links. I don't really do it in a spammy way. Maybe you find this videospammy, I don't know,

but I just basically take people that could benefit from the offer and I give it to them. The next thing, sorry I'm making sure I'm not skipping anything off my notes here. The next thing is lead magnets, okay. So one of the hugest, the biggest mistakes new affiliates make is they take someone and they send them straight to an affiliate offer. They say hey, I've got this affiliate link, boom, go grab it and people go and maybe they buy, most of them don't. That's life right, but then they're done right. Now I am the affiliate, I need to go find more people and more people and more people and if Facebook shuts down my account one day, I have nothing left then I gotta start all over right. It's really, really tough and so a lead magnet is a way that we basically capture email addresses as an affiliate marketer and that way, once we capture someone's email, then we can sell them stuff, but we already have their email address and so if they don't buy, we can sell them something else a week from now or a month from now, we can sell them different affiliate offers that might you know, that might connect with them a little better or whatever is and we can only do that if we can capture their email.

So we captured emails with lead magnet, okay. What a lead magnet looks like. I have five of them. This is on my site. Looks something like this. Okay, I give them a free video training on how to become an affiliate marketer. It's pretty good training and it's totally free and you can see, I require them to put in an email address to get it, okay. So what have I done, I've created a lead magnet. My lead magnet is this free video training. It's something that I can offer people in exchange for an email address, okay. That's all the magnetic it's kind of like, it's the same thing as buying something, but you're saying hey instead of, I'm gonna give you something for free just for giving me your email address. That's the cost right.

The cost of me giving you this free video training is you giving me your email address and that's giving me permission to market to you in the future. If you hate getting emails and you hate email marketing, get over it. That's how a vast majority of affiliate marketing works, okay. In fact, all affiliate marketing works. So a lead magnet, we geta quality lead magnet that can benefit them, okay. So if my audience was the dad that wanna lose weight, my lead magnet might belike 10 ways for busy dads to lose weight in three minutes or less or like or 10 minutes a day or something like that right. Something that appeals to them and it can be like an e-book, a little free training, it can your video, can be a case study, okay. All those things work really well. Whatever you feel comfortable doing, you're gonna create it and then you're gonna start offering it to it. Okay so now when I'm sending traffic, whether it's from Facebook or Instagram or Pinterest or whatever it is, I'm not sending them straight to an affiliate offer, I'm sending them to my lead magnet, okay. So in fact, if you click the link down below, it'll take you to Buildapreneur/friend or to my webinar and it'll be a lead magnet. It captures your email address in exchange for giving you something and that way I can now market you in the future right. So the next thing we need is an opt-in page and that's this page right here you can see where we offer the lead magnet, okay. You need something where people can go to put in their email address and to do all that. Now at, I teach you about Click Funnels which is my favorite software and the software that I use. This is all built-in software, in Click Funnels that I'm doing right now. So you can go to and put in your email.

 and you'll get a free course on Click Funnels and how to do all this stuff on Click Funnels. how to easily make this page and stuff like that to capture their email and then to send them the free lead magnet we'll offer them and to go from there. So that's my lead magnet page. The next thing you need is a bridge page, okay. This just step by step the customer journey that I'm showing. I hope this doesn't feel too complicated right. Let's just pretend it's Instagram. I'm posting an Instagram post. In the post, I'm offering them something for free like a free video training. They come, it sends them to this page, they put in their email and then the next step we're gonna talk about right now is bridge pages. Now the bridge page is where we make our first affiliate offer to them, okay. We've given them something for free. We've captured their email address. So now we know we can market to them in the future. Awesome, now we can feel comfortable promoting an affiliate offer to them and the way we do that is through a bridge page. So when someone puts in their email address right here, they get sent to another page and this page is, actually this is a bridge page for another product, sorry. This is a different sales funnel where I send them on the abridge page, but basically, I send them to a page thatsells them an affiliate offer. So I'm an affiliate for dot-com secrets. It's an amazing book, youshould read it, but anyway, and this right here isan affiliate link,

okay. So someone gives you theiremail and then Click Funnels will automatically send them to this page after they put in theiremail and that page will sell them some affiliate offer, okay. And it's just an upsell right. We already know they'reinterested in, well in this case, they're interested in affiliate marketing, right. In the previous example, they're a dad who's interested in losing weight. So we could send them to an affiliate offer that's like hey, while you're here, you should check out this free, I'm really not familiar with the losing weight niche, but I don't know as an exercise ball, right. Like hey, I lost 10 pounds just using this exercise ball over here or hey, I took this guy's training or p90x right. p90x is the number one way to lose weight for men. I've heard of p90x before you can send them there and they click it and that's your affiliate link and now you're done right. You've captured their email, you sent them to an affiliate link in a bridge page where you're bridging them over to an affiliate link and then there's one more step and that's email sequences, okay. We've captured their email, but we haven't really done anything with it. So someone came in, we captured their email, we sent them to our affiliate offer, ding, ding, ding. Guess what, 90% of people by the affiliate offer. 95% of people don't buy the affiliate offer. That's fine, they didn't connect to it, they didn't like the way was selling. Maybe whether it was that product didn't like or was just they 'understand how a benefit them. There's there are various reasons. Maybe they don't have any money in the world.

 There's the different reasons they couldn't buy that, but does it mean they're not interested in buying anything ever right. It just means at that time, that product didn't connect with them and they didn't buy it. So we build out email automation. I'm gonna show you on the screen here one of my email automation, okay. This is all that an active campaign. Once again, I have a free course at that can teach you how to do all this, but basically, that email address goes into Click Funnels and then Click Funnelsautomatically puts it in this email sequence. All this email sequence does is send them emails once a day or once every other day and it does lots of things, but essentially it builds relationships with them, and then it sells them additional affiliate products, okay. So you can see here I wait a day and then I send an email. The blue ones are emails and then I wait two days and then I send them an email and these emails to an affiliate offer where I sell them some affiliate offers. This email and then it waits two days then it sends them an email and this is called email automation, okay and it's so freakinawesome, it's incredible. This is where passive income comes in right. Where people like you make money in your sleep. This is where the money in your sleep is happening because people are coming in and for weeks and weeks and weeks, my email, don't get too confused. I'm sorry I made that complicated. Just think an email every other day. It sends him an email every other day and it sells them additional affiliate offers, okay. We talked about earlier how we chose a bunch of products and so we've got four or five, six, you know, seven or eight products that.

we can sell them that are all related to the niche. We know because theydownload that lead magnet, we know they're interested. You know, they're a dadinterested in losing weight or whatever it is they're interested in. So we can feel comfortable marketing them different things like this and you'll find that this makes a lot of your money. This email marketingbecause people come in and they're interested indifferent things, right. Like the first product you sold them just didn't interest them, but luckily, you captured their email so now you can sell them other products that might have a moreinterest to them, okay. So that's affiliate marketing, okay. so you choose a niche,you choose a sub niche and now you've got your group of people that you wanna market. You're gonna go find the rightaffiliate offers for them. Things that can actually benefit them, that's a huge part of affiliate marketing, actually benefiting people. You're gonna choose yourtraffic sources you know, do I wanna drive peoplefrom Pinterest or YouTube or Facebook ads or Facebookgroups or my Facebook page, whatever it is that you'remost comfortable with or actually no, whatever it is that your audience is mostlyon, I said that wrong, then you're gonna create a lead magnet. Something that you can offer that audience in exchange for an emailaddress then you create an opt-in page which is where you offer that lead magnet to themand where they come. So someone goes on myFacebook page and I say, hey check out this link andit sends them to my page, my opt-in page.

 where I capture their email and give them the freething that I promised them, then you're gonna set themto a bridge page, okay. So they put in their email and then it automaticallysends them to a page where we sell them anaffiliate offer, okay. That's the next step andthen that's all done, but then every one of themgoes into this email automation as long as they don't unsubscribe. We built this long automationthat sends them offers to other affiliate products. Now this is a little more complicated than just spouting outcrop to them and hoping that they'll buy right? There's a lot more to this email than meets the eye and I talked a lot about that in that free webinar that I talked about for where you can go and learn my business. I talk a ton about that, but anyway, that's the big picture right and there's money to be made. One, when we bridge them over to the first affiliate product and two, there's money to be made as they go through this email sequence and they purchase different things that can benefit them and help them accomplish the goals they have and that's affiliate marketing, okay. That really is, this is the big picture about pretty much everyone is doing affiliate marketing. Now, remember, I'm gonna talk a lot more about this in my webinar. I'm gonna show you my business and how this works in my business. I focus very, very much on passive income when I do an affiliate marketing, okay. So you can do marketing in two ways. You can do it in a way that like you make some good money, but you constantly have to be feeding the beast and building it,

but I build mine, my affiliate marketing company all around passive. On how to build things that last for a long time, okay. Like this email automation where I can kind of pull out for a month or two and money will continue to come in as people go through this email automation as it sends out emails every couple days to them. So if you're interested in the passive income side of the marketing which who'snot interested in that, please sign up for that webinar down below. Thanks so much, I'd love a subscribe. Tell me what you thought, give me a thumbs up,

ask questions in the comments. If you look at my videos, I answer every single question I ever come across. You can ask me anything. You can ask me how I won the cars, you can ask me how I you know, different questions about this email automation. Whatever it is, I love to answer questions. I'd love to help people. Thanks so many guys. This is how to get started with affiliate marketing. (upbeat electronic music)

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